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La rafle des années 1960 / d'Erin Nicks.
Indigenous studies resource guide /  Lindsay Gibson, Ilan Danjoux, and Roland Case, The Critical Thinking Consortium with Pamela Hickman.
Intimate integration : a history of the Sixties Scoop and the colonization of Indigenous kinship / Allyson D. Stevenson.
Silence to strength : writings and reflections on the sixties scoop / edited by Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith.
The Sixties Scoop and the stolen lives of Indigenous children / Andrew Bomberry and Teresa Edwards.
Bineshi Kwe: Little Bird Series, Ep. 6. Podemski, Jennifer
Love is all Around: Little Bird Series, Ep. 1. Podemski, Jennifer
So Put Together: Little Bird Series, Ep. 2. Podemski, Jennifer
I Want My Mom: Little Bird Series, Ep. 5. Podemski, Jennifer

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