Foreword -- Part I. Scene setting -- 1. Introduction / Benedict du Boulay, Antonija Mitrovic and Kalina Yacef -- 2. The history of artificial intelligence in education -- the first quarter century / Gordon McCalla -- Part II. Theories underpinning AIED -- 3. The role and function of theories in AIED / Stellan Ohlsson -- 4. Theories of metacognition and pedagogy applied to AIED systems / Roger Azevedo and Megan Wiedbusch -- 5. Theories of affect, meta-affect, and affective pedagogy / Ivon Arroyo, Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta and Kasia Muldner -- 6. Scrutable AIED / Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld, Cristina Conati, Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta and Ken Holstein -- Part III. The architecture and design of AIED systems -- 7. Domain modeling for AIED systems with connections to modeling student knowledge: a review / Vincent Aleven, Jonathan Rowe, Yun Huang and Antonija Mitrovic -- 8. Student modeling in open-ended learning environments / Cristina Conati and Sébastien Lallé -- 9. Six instructional approaches supported in AIED systems / Vincent Aleven, Manolis Mavrikis, Bruce M. McLaren, Huy A. Nguyen, Jennifer Olsen and Nikol Rummel -- 10. Theory-driven design of AIED systems for enhanced interaction and problem-solving / Susanne Lajoie and Shan Li -- 11. Deeper learning through interactions with students in natural language / Vasile Rus, Andrew M. Olney and Arthur C. Graesser -- 12. Authoring tools to build AIED systems / Stephen Blessing, Stephen B. Gilbert and Steven Ritter -- Part IV. Analytics -- 13. Continuous student modeling for programming in the classroom: challenges, methods, and evaluation / Ye Mao, Samiha Marwan, Preya Shabrina, Yang Shi, Thomas W. Price, Min Chi and Tiffany Barnes -- 14. Human-AI co-orchestration: the role of artificial intelligence in orchestration / Ken Holstein and Jennifer Olsen -- 15. Using learning analytics to support teachers / Stanislav Pozdniakov, Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Shaveen Singh, Hassan Khosravi and Dragan Gasević -- 16. Predictive modeling of student success / Christopher Brooks, Vitomir Kovanović and Quan Nguyen -- 17. Social analytics to support engagement with learning communities / Carolyn Rosé, Meredith Riggs and Nicole Barbaro -- Part V. AIED systems in use -- 18. Intelligent systems for psychomotor learning: A systematic review and two cases of study / Alberto Casas-Ortiz, Jon Echeverria and Olga C. Santos -- 19. Artificial intelligence techniques for supporting face-to-face and online collaborative learning / Roberto Martinez-Maldonado, Anouschka van Leeuwen and Zachari Swiecki -- 20. Digital learning games in artificial intelligence in education (AIED): a review / Bruce M. McLaren and Huy A. Nguyen -- 21. Artificial intelligence-based assessment in education / Ying Fang, Rod D. Roscoe and Danielle S. McNamara -- 22. Evaluations with AIEd systems / Kurt VanLehn -- 23. Large-scale commercialization of AI in school-based environments / Steven Ritter and Kenneth R. Koedinger -- 24. Small-scale commercialisation: the golden triangle of AI EdTech / Rosemary Luckin and Mutlu Cukurova -- 25. Critical perspectives on AI in education: political economy, discrimination, commercialization, governance and ethics / Ben Williamson, Rebecca Eynon, Jeremy Knox and Huw Davies -- 26. The ethics of AI in education / Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta, Wayne Holmes and Selena Nemorin -- Part VI. The future -- 27. The great challenges and opportunities of the next 20 years -- 1. AIED and equity / Maria Mercedes T. Rodrigo -- 2. Engaging learners in the age of information overload / Julita Vassileva -- 3. Pedagogical agents for all: designing virtual characters for inclusion and diversity in STEM / H. Chad Lane -- 4. Intelligent textbooks / Peter Brusilovsky and Sergey Sosnovsky -- 5. AI-empowered open-ended learning environments in STEM domains / Gautam Biswas -- 6. Ubiquitous-AIED: pervasive AI learning technologies / James C. Lester -- 7. Culture, ontology and learner modeling / Riichiro Mizoguchi -- 8. Crowdsourcing paves the way for personalized learning / Ethan Prihar and Neil Heffernan -- 9. AIED in developing countries: breaking seven WEIRD assumptions in the global learning XPRIZE field study / Jack Mostow -- 10. The future of learning assessment / Claude Frasson -- 11. Intelligent mentoring systems: tapping into AI to deliver the next generation of digital learning / Vania Dimitrova -- Index. |